Nahrbtnik Zealous Harry Potter Flying Keys - Ju Ju Be

Nahrbtnik Zealous Harry Potter Flying Keys.
The jujube Zealous is a full size, multi-functional backpack featuring 14 pockets. The Zealous is a lightweight backpack featuring minimalist styling combined with impressive carrying capacity and internal organization.
Nahrbtnik Zealous je zadetek v polno za športne mamice. Še najlepše pri vseh Ju Ju Be previjalnih torbah pa je to, da jih ne boste nikoli postavile v kot. Vedno bodo prišle prav. Tudi ko vaši malčki zrastejo v velike otroke, bo ta izjemno praktičen nahrbtnik povsod z vami.
- Trije zunanji žepi z zadrgo.
- Dva zunanja žepa za steklenice in glavni žep z zadrgo.
- V notranjosti glavnega prostora so štirje mrežasti žepi za shranjevanje plenic in ostalih stvari.
- Hrbtni del je podložen z zračno mrežico za še boljše udobje.
- Poseben žepek za mobitel.
- Previjalni nahrbtnik Zealous ima poseben predal za mamice na sprednjem delu, vključno s predalčkom za hiter dostop do plenic in vlažnih robčkov.
- Zadrga se odpre čisto do dna, tako da je dostop do vsebine še lažji.
- Prevlečena je z DuPont Teflon-om, kar pomeni izjemno lahko čiščenje.
- Previjalni nahrbtnik Zealous je pralen v pralnem stroju!
- Zelo hitro se posuši na zraku, v primeru, da se vam kaj polije, zmoči...
- Notranjost je prevlečena z Aigon-om - to je naravna antimikrobna zaščita, ki uniči bacile, plesen, bakterije...
- Za lažje iskanje ter boljšo preglednost, so podloge v svetlih barvah.
- Dojenčka boste previli na previjalni podlogi - mehko in udobno.
- Vpeti so nastavki, na katere pripnete držala za na voziček - Be Connected (kupiti ločeno).
- Vse zadrge so narejene iz kovine.
Lahko še kaj dodamo? Mislim, da boste previjalni nahrbtnik Zealous vzljubile v trenutku. Ko pa malček šolarček postane, se nahrbtnik iz previjalne v šolsko torbo spremeni. Dovolj je velik, da vanj spravite prenosni računalnik.
External Pockets:
- There are three external zippered pockets, two external water bottle pockets and zippered main pocket.
- The top external pocket is a large tech pocket that will hold almost any size mobile phone, even it the phone is inside a protective case.
- The front small external zip pocket is a handy place to keep things like tissues and snacks.
- There is a bigger full function “mommy” style pocket as well. Inside this pocket are two elastic slip pockets, a zippered pocket and a keys holder.
- The water bottle pockets are elasticized, lightly insulated and each hold bottles up to 9.5 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter (24 m x7.5cm). This means many popular sizes of bottles, up to 22oz (650ml) capacity, will fit in the pockets.
- The main pocket is a full zip with a gusseted front flap (opens similarly to a BRB backpack, but the flap has gussets)
- Main pocket and “mommy” pocket have dual zipper pulls.
Internal Pockets and Organization:
- The “mommy” pocket has two mesh pockets, one zipper pocket and a key holder
- Inside the main compartment are four mesh pockets for diapers and other things.
- Two elastic loops for holding a package of wipes, or rolled up clothes also included.
- Plus, a pocket to hold the included light weight (unpadded) diaper changing pad. This pocket is not padded, but it is big enough to hold most laptops 15 inches or smaller.
Carrying Straps
- Carrying straps and back are padded. Straps and back are covered by the bag fabric. The back and straps are designed to be comfortable and supportive, but are more minimal, more fashion forward and lighter weight than the BRB backpack.
- The short lengths of strap not covered by main fabric, including the haul loop at the top of the bag, are made from a soft cottony feeling polyester webbing. Note: in the future, this webbing will change to the shiny “seatbelt strap/nylon” looking material.
- Outer fabric is jujube proprietary stain resistant microfiber. This fabric is the same soft hand, non-structured fabric we use in our Superbe and Belight totes.
- Inner fabric is jujube proprietary anti-microbial microfiber.
- There are D-rings at the top of the bag on both sides for hanging the bag on a stroller, or for a shoulder strap for anyone who wants to add one. D-rings are substantial, but smaller and lighter than the D-rings used on our BRB.
- The Zealous also features a structured bottom panel to help the bag stand upright on flat surfaces.
- All hardware is metal.
- The bag is machine washable.
Dimensions and Carry Capacity:
- 16 inches tall, 13 inches wide at the bottom tapering to 10 inches wide at the top, 5 inches thick (40cm x33/25cm x 12.5cm)
- Weight is 1.3 pounds (0.6kg)
- Due to its tapered shape, and ever so slightly smaller dimensions, depending on how and what you pack, the capacity of the Zealous is 10-15% less than our BRB backpack.
Navodila za čiščenje:
- Obrišite z vlažno krpo
- Strojno pranje pri nizki temperaturi in nizkih obratih - program za ročno pranje
- Pri pranju ne uporabljajte visokih obratov
- Ne uporabljajte belila
- Ne sušite v sušilcu
- Posušite na zaku
- Dele sušite ločeno
- Zunanji: 100% Microfiber
- Podloga: 100% Satin-Nylon
- Materiali ne vsebujejo PVC
- v x š x d : cm 40 x 33/25 x 12,5
- 0,6 kg
Izdelek, ki je na zalogi, bo dostavljen v treh delavnih dneh. Če izdelka ni na zalogi, ga bomo odpremili isti dan, ko pride na zalogo. O stanju zaloge in terminu dostave vas bomo obvestili preko elektronskega sporočila ali telefona.